When it comes to Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) we have covered how its speed and efficiency are leaps and bounds better when compared to conventional construction.

According to Malaysia’s Minister of Works Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, completing projects faster could translate to cost savings as well. According to a news article by The Malaysian Reserve, he was quoted saying “IBS adoption takes less time to complete the development. It does not only save time but costs for manpower and equipment leases as well.”

Additionally, he adds, that data presented by Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd shows that it managed to reduce 30 per cent of its development costs for projects in Hong Kong and Singapore by using IBS.

However, even with all the benefits of IBS, the long- and well-established construction industry is still reluctant to change. The adoption of IBS in the private sector was only 14 per cent in 2016.

Back in 2020, the Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (Cream) signed two Memorandums of Understanding with the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (Rehda) Institute and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) towards increasing the IBS adoption rate in the country.

With IBS construction set to rise on an upwards trajectory, don’t you think it is time your organisation stays ahead of the game and took a second look at IBS? Get in touch with us today.